I can not say enough good things about this product! I even called my mom (who has never owned a small pet, let along a guinea pig) just how happy I was with this purchase.
* Our family used to spend $15+ a WEEK on bedding. This product pays for itself!
* Our family used to spend about 15+ minutes a day changing out bedding, wiping down the cage with vinegar, and tossing out used bedding. Now that we have fleece flippers, though, vacuuming up poops is hands-down my easiest chore of the day.
* We used to go through SO. MUCH. BEDDING. I feel much better knowing that we found a much greener solution to our bedding problem (and my husband is thankful that I don't make him take out the trash every day now).
* My piggies LOVE the fleece! I imagine it is easier for them to walk on than uneven bedding.
* Washing out the fleece and Uhaul is, by far, my easiest load of laundry to wash and fold.
I can not recommend this product enough! This is a must-have guinea pig product.