New Northern Lights Fleece Combo!

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New Northern Lights Fleece Combo!

We're counting stars with our Cavy Cosmos creation!

This magical retreat showcases stylish accessories in our new "Northern Lights" fabric collection. Our Fleece Forest is perfect for a fun game of hideys and zoomies. Once piggies are tuckered out they can enjoy a snooze in our cozy Flip Tent or our reversible Magic Muff. For a little extra cushioning under the ramps we used our plush Lettuce Lounger bed and Potty Pad.

Introducing our new Northern Lights Fabric Collection!

Stargazers will love this celestial delight! This stunning Northern Lights Fabric Collection is sprinkled with stars and vibrant streams of purple, green and blue. A great addition to any critter cage!

Northern Lights Fabric Collection

Feeling inspired? Create your own Cavy Cosmos cagetopia with our easy shopping guides below:

Please note, prices are base prices. Adding features and options can increase an items' price.

Fleece and Accessories from Guinea Pig Market:

Cage from Guinea Pig Cages Store:

This is a comfortable setup for two females. For two males, we recommend upgrading to the XL (2x5 grid) Cage.

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